十大菠菜靠谱老平台致力于 健康平等和种族正义. We're a diverse, inclusive 和 equity-centered champion for the health 和 well-being of Coloradans. We collaborate with organizations 和 communities across the state to break down the many systemic barriers to achieving health 和 well-being. 因为种族主义和种族不公正是卫生不平等的主要驱动因素, 我们所做的一切都优先考虑有色人种社区, 和 we advocate for 和 invest in solutions 和 policies that drive 健康平等和种族正义.
Our commitment extends to all aspects of our 工作 — both internally 和 in the communities we exist to serve. 这是 我们如何对自己负责.
确保所有科罗拉多人都能享有健康, 十大菠菜靠谱老平台 supports community-informed solutions that drive 健康平等和种族正义. 进一步了解我们的 资金类型 和 与项目官员十大菠菜靠谱平台 如果你有问题,会分配到你的区域.
评估是告知和改进我们工作的一种方式, while helping others underst和 our approaches 和 the difference we’re making as a Foundation. 进一步了解我们的 学习与评价 工作.
十大菠菜靠谱老平台致力于成为一个多元化的, inclusive 和 equity-centered champion for the health 和 well-being of Coloradans. We collaborate with organizations 和 communities across the state to break down the many systemic barriers to achieving health 和 well-being. 因为种族主义和种族不公正是卫生不平等的主要驱动因素, 我们所做的一切都优先考虑有色人种社区, 和 we advocate for 和 invest in solutions 和 policies that drive 健康平等和种族正义.
十大菠菜靠谱老平台致力于成为一个多元化的, inclusive 和 equity-centered champion for the health 和 well-being of Coloradans. We collaborate with organizations 和 communities across the state to break down the many systemic barriers to achieving health 和 well-being. 因为种族主义和种族不公正是卫生不平等的主要驱动因素, 我们所做的一切都优先考虑有色人种社区, 和 we advocate for 和 invest in solutions 和 policies that drive 健康平等和种族正义.
- 健康是一项基本人权. Every person 和 community has the right to have what they need to live healthy lives
- 人的身份是多层次的. 一个人的身份由多个相互交叉的因素组成,比如种族, 种族, 性别认同, 性取向, 残疾, 社会经济地位, 原产国, 宗教和其他. 这些层相交并重叠, creating interconnected systems of privilege 和 oppression that keep health out of reach for some
- 我们承认我们是问题的一部分. The Foundation exists in a philanthropic field born of fortunes made by racist policies that have exploited 和 oppressed people of color. We must grapple with our inherent power in a system that has historically disregarded 和 even perpetuated racial injustice
- 我们有时需要成为一个破坏者——并成为解决方案的一部分. The most impactful role we can play is to call attention to 和 disrupt systems that keep health out of reach for communities of color — 和 use our learning as a model for the philanthropic field
- 我们的工作有三点指导 基石 这些都是我们所做的“必须要做的”: We do everything with the intent of creating health equity; we serve Coloradans who have less power, 特权与收入, 和 we prioritize Coloradans of color; 和 we are informed by community 和 those we exist to serve. We expect our 合作伙伴 to prioritize these 基石 in their 工作 to ensure we never stray from our goals
- We cultivate an organizational culture 和 operational approach that prioritize equity, 公正和包容实践. We continually implement 和 evolve antiracist practices that prioritize 和 advance equity 和 justice across all that we do
- 我们优先考虑关键的“颠覆杠杆”,以最大限度地发挥影响. We developed an internal racial justice frame工作 to ensure that our 工作 centers 健康平等和种族正义 practices. This frame工作 includes the tools we use to disrupt inequitable 和 racist systems, 比如分配财政资源, 有意义地参与社区活动, 培养有意识的关系, 推进公共话语, catalyzing more just policies 和 practices 和 intentionally wielding our power while elevating power in community
- 我们对自己负责. 作为一个致力于追求种族正义以实现健康平等的组织, 我们通过收集和分享对公众负责 显示我们进步的数据 我们如何将种族和民族作为工作的中心. 这些责任表明,随着时间的推移,我们的投资如何, 顾问, 合作伙伴, 受助者和工作人员概括并代表了不同的经验和观点. We collect demographic data on the Foundation’s staff 和 董事会 of Directors 和 request key demographic data from grant applicants to help us underst和 how our 合作伙伴 approach the 工作 of advancing equity
At the Foundation, our core values embrace inclusivity, cultural underst和ing 和 language justice. We're committed to extending our mission as active contributors 和 catalysts for positive change within Colorado's communities to all its residents, 特别是近12%的人说西班牙语.
我们承认说西班牙语的人面临多方面的挑战. 我们认识到解决语言障碍, 以及文化和无障碍需求, 减少这些差距是否至关重要. 我们的宗旨是建立真诚, 信任关系,从不同的经历和观点中获益. We're dedicated to laying out a clear path to better engage with diverse communities, 尊重他们珍视的语言和文化.
我们在这方面的努力是有目的和战略性的, 跨越多年的探索, 内部各职能部门的学习和细致规划. It reflects our profound commitment to creating meaningful connections with 西班牙语 speakers through language access 和 cultural relevance. 这一战略努力基于以下几个关键原则和见解:
- 语言作为障碍: We underst和 that language is a significant barrier contributing to unfair treatment 和 inequality
- 优先考虑西班牙语: 虽然我们致力于为所有语言社区服务, we prioritize engaging with 西班牙语 speakers while remaining open to considering additional languages in the future
- 员工教育: We proactively involve our staff in education 和 training related to language justice, recognizing that fostering a bilingual organization necessitates a shared dedication to learning 和 growth
- 谦逊与学习: We approach this 工作 humbly, acknowledging that there's always room for improvement. Continuous learning 和 development are integral to better serving 西班牙语-speaking communities
- 利用动力: 我们利用科罗拉多州慈善领域的现有势头, underst和ing that collaboration 和 shared objectives can lead to broader positive outcomes
- 策略性资源分配: 内部和外部, we strike a balance between resource allocation 和 effectiveness to ensure sustainable commitment to language justice 和 accessibility
- 研究: Actively engaging with 西班牙语 speakers in Colorado 和 the philanthropic sector helps us underst和 their needs, 障碍与愿望. 研究项目, 比如西班牙脉冲民意调查和短信研究, 指导我们量身定制的方法
- 员工参与和学习: 我们的员工起着至关重要的作用. Equipping them with education 和 tools fosters their meaningful contribution to language justice.
- 人力资源: 我们正在制定人力资源政策,以解决招聘和留住员工的问题, 将我们对包容性的承诺扩展到我们组织的各个方面
- 通讯: 我们的沟通策略, 从召集、营销到评估, 是为了包容而设计的吗, 具有文化敏感性和语言亲和力
- Grantmaking: 我们仔细审查我们资助工作的每一个方面, 从申请流程到实地考察和能力建设项目, 增加包容性. This 工作 includes removing language 和 cultural barriers to empower 西班牙语-speaking communities
如果您有兴趣了解更多十大菠菜靠谱老平台这项工作的信息,请十大菠菜靠谱平台 世界堡通讯和对外影响高级总监.